Frequently Asked Questions

Which sources do you use for gathering data about items?

We use the official websites of manufacturers, product sheets, and product manuals to gather data about products. For apps, we usually do a bit of testing to get a better idea of the functionalities. When it comes to cities and ski resorts, we use official statistics presented by the local authorities. As for universities and faculties, we refer to their official websites and the statistics provided by the institutions. We always focus on the objective aspects and collect data that makes sense for our comparisons.

How is the Masbook Score calculated??

The Masbook score is a measurement of a product’s performance, on a scale from 1 to 100. All the data-points associated with one item (properties or attributes such as “battery power” for phones or “population density” for cities) are taken into account. The objects with the best property values get the most points. However, some properties are more important than others, and this is reflected in the number of user votes for each property. Any user can upvote or downvote a property. Therefore, we take into account not only property values but also our users’ opinions about what matters most when evaluating a particular item.

How can I express my opinion about an item or comparison??

You can log in with your Gmail or Facebook account and leave comments on product pages, comparisons, as well as blog articles.

I found a mistake, how can I report it?

You can write to us at or contact us on Facebook or Twitter. We are very grateful for your feedback!

Is free?

Yes, Masbook is and always be a free service. You can also download the Versus app, available at the moment for Android devices.

Whom to contact for business partnerships, advertising opportunities and other related topics?

For business partnerships and advertising opportunities, please contact us at